Potential Improvements
Bug Fixes
200 coordinate Particle Bug 4.2
- Right Click Crash.
- Shadows interfering with Masks.
Building/graphic feature
- Day/night cycle.
- Web browsers being able to pass on action code to AW. (Request Thread)
- Multiple textures per object (using tags).
- Move command improvements (waypoints, curves).
- Seamless audio looping.
- Better signs (
fonts 4.2, texture backgrounds, transparent backgrounds)
- New Object Type: Primitives. Creates basic shapes on-the-fly.
- Mask colors (create color [color] mask=[mask]) (Request Thread)
- Multiple object selection and edit (eg. select any number of objects and change the texture on them all at once) (Request Thread)
- Volume tag for sound/noise commands. eg. create sound fart.wav vol=0.2 = 20% volume level.
Object scaling 4.2
Mipmapped Pictures 4.2
- Shadows (
object shadows 4.2, avatar shadows 4.1, cloud shadows)
- Extend max vis range
Reflective or glossy effects 4.1
Building Interface Features
- Larger/Resizable Description and Action text-boxes. (Request Thread)
- Cell grid display improvements.
- Shorter commands. (Request Thread)
- Create seed object button.
- Rotating zones & particles
- Zone fade when entering/exiting.
- Add textures to model particles. (Request Thread)
Cell space statistics display. 4.2
Objects following object axis when moving. 4.1
Non-building related features
- User content/config stored in common directories (eg my docs)
- Avatar fade in/out customization
- Global, server side teleport list
- Slash commands (Request Thread)
- Pickup multiple movers
- Clickable Coordinates in Chat window (Request Thread)
- Longer world names
- Transparent chat/download/tab windows. Allows less clutter and bigger 3d view window. (Request Thread)
- Industry standard chat channels (Request Thread)
Custom Avatars for all 4.2
Telegrams Sent History 4.2
- Selectable number of screenshots to take with screenshot function in user settings
- Compression-level slider for jpg screenshot function
Non-browser related features
- Integrating AW's official resources into the browser
Tourist building in Alphaworld
- Enable v4s for everyone in Alphaworld and all other public building worlds
- Overhaul AWGate
Bringing back AW Mapper AlphaMapper
Global chat bot in Alphaworld AbMo Phonebot